Pages To Turn


In The Beginning...

I was writing random things about Grace last night. I'm going to type them up, and I want to hear COMMENTS. I don't even know if I'm on the right track with these ramblings, I just know that I wrote them and I need to figure out whether or not I'm right.

Grace is not s omething meant to be collected or shown off. Grace is just as precious when first given as it is after a repeat offense --- in fact, I would say it is held in more esteem and considered more precious the less it is dispensed. The point is not to recieve Grace. The point is to Glorify God. The reality and recognizement of God's glory is the whole point of everything God does.
In Romans 6:1-2, Paul makes it clear that Grace is not the end-all. We are given Grace as an opportunity to do what, in our own strength, we would be unable to do --- pursue righteousness and be transformed to reflect the image of Jesus Christ.
We do not strive to recieve gifts, we strive to bring a worthy gift to our God and Savior.

I don't know what my point was with that, but... if you see one, notify me. =P

Love Never Fails,
